
The fun way to learn & teach music

Jan, founder

It is an essential support for the Swiss MusicLab and my great personal pleasure to cooperate with Caroline. As our Innosuisse Lead Coach she supports us since the very beginnings of our innovative project in music education.

Caroline‘s excellent expertise, outstanding personal skills, her knowledge, network and the great passion for our work is both inspiring and a direct help in solving big and small questions of a startup. Caroline’s contributions are crucial for the company and we are very much looking forward to continue our cooperation in the future!

Caroline, coache

What an amazing project and a great pleasure to collaborate with Jan!

This project tackle very important challenges to learn reading music, a project developped by a piano teacher for piano teachers, and then offering them a new tool to enhance their music teaching to pupils.

Jan is very impressive in his capacity to combine cutting-edge innovation, methodology and fun, and also his progression in his entrepreneurial journey.

And soon, new version to be discovered!


coaching via